Future Salad耀目迎三載 星級嘉賓陣容到場支持

Future Salad耀目迎三載 星級嘉賓陣容到場支持

「Future Salad #全清」是近年來最受歡迎的品牌之一,就在成立三週年之際,這個引領健康時尚潮流的品牌將在金鐘店舉辦盛大慶典,邀請多位星級嘉賓例如王君馨、大熱選秀節目的人氣王Ash、Snoopy、Nick Kung、Kakit等到場支持,並與粉絲和顧客們共同歡慶這個重要里程碑。 

矚目的星級嘉賓陣容將引領這場盛會,將產品Shake & Go的特性結合自身的演藝才華,展現出非凡的表演實力,讓大家能夠近距離感受偶像的魅力,絕對能夠讓每位參與的來賓和粉絲留下難忘的回憶。參與活動的來賓更有驚喜!Future Salad特別準備了豐富的記念品,現場贈送給每位到場支持的來賓,藝人們更即場為他們簽名和合影,以感謝他們對品牌的支持與厚愛。

提到現場過百位粉絲的熱烈支持,幾位都表示驚喜。「很開心看到現場這麼多粉絲,又可以跟四位年青藝人玩遊戲!Future Salad這品牌不只宣揚健康,也跟慈善團體合作,所以今天很高興能夠出席活動。」Grace笑稱。Snoopy亦表示:「這是我第一次在香港出席活動,蠻開心的,很珍惜這種機會。」同樣第一次在港出席活動的Nick Kung也指「粉絲很給力」:「很好玩的經驗,多謝粉絲支持!」Kakit和Ash則被支持者的熱度感動。Kakit說:「雖然這裡很熱,但大家都很熱情,令我心情都好沸騰!」Ash也說:「現場簡直熱情四射啊!」


幾位也率先試飲Future Salad 的王牌產品 #全清高纖新沙律飲,全都十分喜歡!Grace笑說:「大家都知我喜歡跳舞!搖晃Future Salad全清高纖新沙律飲時很自然地手舞足動,很好玩,味道也很好!」Nick Kung也表示很喜歡:「因為我本身都愛喝蔬菜汁,平時在家都會自己製作。」Snoopy也是潛在用家:「我都是吃素的,加上喝的比吃的更快,真的很方便。」Kakit就認為Future Salad全清高纖新沙律飲是減肥人士恩物:「它很細包,方便攜帶,裡面有超過10款蔬菜,真的很感激它的存在!」Ash也大讚它非常方便:「它非常適合現代生活節奏,無論上班或日常活動,都可以補充每日需要的能量。」

另外,Future Salad為慶祝成立三周年,宣布將加強關注環境、社會與公司治理(ESG),回饋社會。由2023年8月起,捐出每月銷售數的部份收益到指定的慈善機構,以支持環境保護、社會公益等相關議題,而第一個合作的受惠機構是愛望基金(The WEMP Foundation)。愛望基金積極透過各項活動提高公眾對精神健康的認識及關注的同時,更為有需要的兒童提供適切的精神健康服務及幫助。Future Salad堅信,企業除了經濟效益,也應承擔社會責任,並透過積極的行動實踐,讓消費者享受健康美味的新沙律飲同時也能參與公益。

Future Salad於活動尾聲公布了全新的產品發展計劃及歐美地區發展計劃,包括今年底推出更多新口味與功能的新沙律飲及兒童版新沙律飲,希望能進一步擴大客戶群。活動將於2023年8月7日,聯同市場推廣戰略伙伴尊尚御品顧問(PLS Consultancy)在Future Salad金鐘店隆重舉行。屆時,品牌將歡迎所有支持者,共同見證這個值得紀念的日子。 




Kakit:「Future Salad是一個年輕品牌,像我一樣年輕,未來我們都會壯茁成長!」


Nick Kung:「Future Salad會越做越大,衝出國際!」





Future Salad #Allklear, one of the most popular brands in recent years, is celebrating its 3rd anniversary with a grand celebration at its Hong Kong Admiralty store. The brand that leads the healthy and trendy movement has invited celebrities including Grace Wong, Ash, Snoopy, Nick Kung and Kakit to show their support and celebrate this important milestone with fans and customers.


The star-studded lineup will lead the event, showcasing their outstanding performance skills by combining the Shake & Go product's unique features with their artistic talents. Guests and fans will have the opportunity to experience their idols' charm up close, creating unforgettable memories. Surprise gifts will be given to all attendees, including signed autographs and photos with the celebrities, as a token of appreciation for their support and love for the brand.


Furthermore, in celebration of its third anniversary, Future Salad has announced that it will enhance its focus on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues to give back to society. Starting from August 2023, a portion of the monthly sales revenue will be donated to designated charitable organizations to support environmental protection, social welfare, and related causes. The first collaborating beneficiary organization is The WEMP Foundation. The WEMP Foundation actively raises public awareness and concern for mental wellbeing through various activities, while also providing appropriate mental health services and assistance to children in need. Future Salad believes that besides economic benefits, companies should also shoulder social responsibility and actively engage in actions that allow consumers to enjoy healthy and delicious Future Salad Drink Mix while contributing to public welfare.


In the event's finale, Future Salad announced its new product development plan and plans to expand to Europe and America, including launching new flavors and functions of Future Salad drinks mix and kid’s versions by the end of this year. The event will be held on August 7, 2023 at the Future Salad Admiralty store in co-organize with the strategic marketing partner PLS Consultancy, welcoming all supporters to witness this memorable day.


Event Highlight: https://youtu.be/GYuHEb-PRqw