活動:90日全清鬥室 Terms and Conditions

Future Salad - 90 Days Weight Loss Programme

Terms and Conditions


“Future Salad - 90 Days Weight Loss Programme", or in Chinese, “Future Salad 呈獻︰90日全清鬥室 - 擊退脂肪大作戰" (the “Programme”) is held by Allklear Health Limited (the “Organizer”, “We”). All registrants after successful registration shall become the participants of the Programme and are deemed to have understood and agreed to abide by the following terms and conditions, as well as all, the rules and instructions of the Programme. Registrants are advised to read through this document carefully. 



  1. The Programme is open to individuals aged between 18-45 years old only. 
  2. Participants must be in good health and able to participate in physical activities associated with the Programme.
  3. Participants will be required to provide their “Weight, Height, Waist, Body Mass Index (BMI), Body Fat Percentage, Blood Sugar Level and Blood Pressure” (the “Body Data”) during registration and throughout the Programme. 
  4. Male participants are required to have a BMI of more than or equal to 24 kg/m2 and a body fat percentage of more than or equal to 25%. Female participants are required to have a BMI of more than or equal to 23 kg/m2 and a body fat percentage of more than or equal to 30%.
  5. Participants must have a PUBLIC Instagram account with more than or equal to 2,000 Followers.
  6. Participants with infectious diseases, pregnant women and with certain illnesses are not eligible to join the Programme. 



  1. Participants must complete the official registration (Completion of the registration form and Interview) process to be considered for participation.
  2. By participating, participants agree to comply with the Terms and Conditions, as well as the rules of the Programme as established by the Organizer.
  3. Participants MUST provide accurate personal information and medical history, such as but not limited to illnesses or drug and food allergies, during registration.
  4. Participants MUST undergo medical examinations, such as but not limited to, physical examinations and blood tests during registration and throughout the Programme to determine their eligibility and suitability for participation as well as their ability to continue participating after the Programme has begun. Failure to show up, without a valid reason, in medical examinations will result in the disqualification of the participant. 
  5. Participants may be required to remove their coats and/or clothing and remove all heavy items at all weight measurements and medical examinations. Organizer’s employees and personnel are entitled to examine any violation of the relevant rules if necessary.
  6. After successful registration of a participant, In the case that a participant voluntarily quits the Programme before successfully completing the Programme or being officially eliminated by the Organizer, they shall also forfeit any potential prizes or rewards that they could have won had they continued. 
  7. Participants will be disqualified without prior notice if they are found to have lost weight by using slimming drugs or through other inappropriate methods during the Programme period.

Programme Guidelines:

  1. Participants MUST follow the physical activities designed by professional experts associated with the Programme.
  2. Participants MUST adhere to the prescribed diet, exercise and lifestyle guidelines provided by professional experts associated with the Programme.
  3. Participants who fail to follow the instructions of professional experts or fail to show up in any scheduled activity without acceptable reasons shall be fouled, should participants accumulate 2 fouls in the entirety of the Programme, they shall be disqualified.
  4. Any external weight loss methods or supplements must be disclosed to the Organizer and approved in advance. 
  5. The Body Data of all remaining participants shall be gathered and compared.
  6. The Organizer has the full right to establish the rules of the Programme as well as make any modifications, including but not limited to making changes to format, rules and scheduling, or terminate the Programme anytime should they need to. 
  7. The Organizer retains absolute discretion and final authority in all matters pertaining to, including but not limited to, disputes, disagreement with results and tiebreakers. The decision shall be binding and conclusive. Regardless of any circumstances or opinions expressed, the Organizer's judgment shall prevail without recourse or dispute. 


Prizes and Awards:

Below is a detailed list of the prizes participants can win from the Programme.

  1. Ranking prize:
    1. Champion - HKD$100,000.
    2. 1st Runner Up - HKD$30,000.
    3. 2nd-Runner Up - HKD$10,000.
    4. Honorable Mentions (4th - 8th place) - HKD$2,000.
  2. Special prize:
  1. Most Popular Participant - HKD$500.
  2. Most Product Sales - HKD$500.


Social Media Posts Guidelines:

  1. Throughout the Programme, participants will be allowed to post progress pictures of their physique in their social media network.
  2. Participants are required to provide a minimum amount of 40 posts in the entirety of the Programme. 
  3. Each social media post should strictly follow the instructions stated in the specific posting guideline, which shall be provided during the Programme.
  4. The social media posts MUST follow the terms and policies of the posting social networks.
  5. Participants shall stay respectful and not show any behaviors that provoke and/or harass other participants, examples include but not limited to:
  • Hate speech
  • Visual, verbal or written harassment 
  • Colluding with others to harass participants 
  • Attempt to sabotage other participants
  1. Participants are NOT allowed to use edited or manipulated images in their posts. Participants will be disqualified immediately if found to have partaken in such deeds. 


Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure:

The Organizer has the full right to request all participants, personnel and other parties involved to maintain confidentiality of sensitive information, trade secrets or any behind-the-scenes aspect of the show.


Photographs and Imagery:

The Programme will be recorded for commercial purposes.

Videos, photographs and other recordings will be taken, where the participants will be captured participating in the Programme. The participants fully grant the right to the Organizer to use videos, photographs, recordings taken during the Programme, including but not limited to the name, Body Data, likeness, image, voice of the participants, in any media, for commercial use, including but not limited to television, internet, social media networks, advertisements, and promotional materials. Participants shall be aware that the Organizer may edit or digitally alter such photographs, videos and recordings of the participants from the Programme before publicly distributing such contents. You acknowledge that we have the full right to sell and/or profit from the commercial use of your photographs, videos, recordings, name, likeness, image, voice, and performance during the Programme.


The Participant shall waive any right to inspect or approve the finished products or the use to which they may be applied, including any written or electronic copy.


The Organizer shall be released from any claims or demands, including but not limited to those related to defamation, invasion of privacy, or infringement of rights arising out of or in connection with the use of participant’s name, Body Data,  likeness, image, voice, and performance.


Participant’s Safety during the Programme: 

The Participant acknowledges that the Programme may be potentially hazardous and that participation in the Programme is at their own risk.


The Participant acknowledges that there may potentially be strenuous physical exercises and challenges which could involve personal risk and they fully understand and accept that: (i) their participation in the Programme may result in serious bodily injury and/or death to themselves or others; (ii) the Programme may be held on public roads and facilities/areas open to the public during the Programme and upon which hazards are to be expected; and (iii) where the Programme involves strenuous physical exertion they may be required to be active for very long periods of time, including through inclement and/or very hot environment or conditions.

Participants shall not enter and participate in the Programme unless they are medically able and it is their responsibility to monitor their own physical condition before, during and after the Programme. Participants shall warrant to us during official registration and throughout the Programme that they are in good health and in proper physical condition to safely participate in the Programme and that they are aware of the risks of participating in the Programme. If participants are in ANY doubt, we recommend that they DO NOT register for or attend the Programme and seek medical advice.


As a participant of the Programme, you acknowledge and agree that: 


  1. You will adhere to the rules and all instructions given by expert professionals associated to the Programme at all times;
  2. You shall not wear any clothing or use any equipment that may pose a risk to yourself, other participants and personnel.
  3. You shall not use any artificial aid during your participation in the Programme unless informed and granted permission by professional experts in advance.
  4. Where certain challenges or physical activities that may occur during the Programme are outdoors, you recognise that it may take place in varied or adverse weather conditions. You are expected to prepare yourself for the conditions of the day accordingly.


Participants of the Programme shall authorize the Organizer, its agents, employees and volunteers, to obtain or provide medical treatment for them in the event of any injury, illness or other medical condition that may occur during their participation in the Programme. The participant shall also waive any liability arising out of or in any way connected with the medical treatment and transportation provided in the event of an emergency and/or injury. You acknowledge and understand that it is your personal responsibility to arrange for insurance cover for the Programme if you wish to be covered by insurance. We WILL NOT provide insurance cover for your participation in the Programme.

You understand and agree that you must truthfully fill in the contact and medical information field on the registration form. It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure that this information is correct. We will not be liable to you for any loss, damage or mis-treatment/mis-diagnosis that may result from any such information being inaccurate, misleading or incomplete. This medical information will only be used by us to assist in the giving of medical treatment, if required, during the Programme.


Personal Information Collection Statement and Privacy Statement Agreement Terms:

Participants will be asked to provide certain data such as height, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Body Fat Percentage during registration and throughout the Programme, which are all considered as personal data. They must be handled in accordance with the relevant personal data protection laws and regulations under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Please read and agree to the following notice on the collection of personal data. 


Direct Collection: 


Participant’s personal data collected will only be processed and used for the specific purposes, mentioned below, by the employees, personnel and third parties associated with and authorized by the Organizer in electronic or paper forms.


For the purpose of the Programme only, the Organizer will request participants to provide them with their Name, Age, Gender, Day/Month/Year of Birth, Contact Number, Emergency Contact Number, HKID Card Number, E-mail Address, Height, Weight, Waist, Body Mass Index (BMI), Body Fat Percentage, Photographs, Videos, Audio Recordings, Performances and all health condition, should they have any, in accordance with the relevant personal data protection laws and regulations of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The Organizer shall only process or use participant’s personal data for processing their participation in this Programme, and for the purposes related to this Programme such as, including but not limited to, selecting participants for elimination, and will delete these data after a reasonable time, upon your written request or upon completion of the above specific purposes.


Participants are allowed to exercise the following rights according to the law:

  1. Inquire or request access to their personal data.
  2. Request to supplement or change their personal data.
  3. Request to stop collecting, processing or using their personal data
  4. Request to delete their personal data.


When the Organizer requests to collect, process and use participant’s personal data for the above purposes, participants have the right to choose whether they want to provide their personal data or not. If they choose to not provide their personal information or the information is incomplete or false, participants may be disqualified from this Programme.


Ownership of Intellectual Property:

The Organizer retains all ownership rights, title and interest in and to all intellectual property associated with the Programmer, including but not limited to trademarks, logos, formats, designs and any other creative or distinctive elements. Participants acknowledge and agree that no rights or licenses are granted to them regarding the Organizer’s IP, except as expressly stated in this Terms and Conditions. 

Participant Submissions:

Any content, materials or submissions provided by participants during the Programme, including but not limited to answers, responses, ideas, suggestions, or any other form of creative input, shall become the property of the Organizer. Participants hereby grant the Organizer an exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free and perpetual right and license to use , reproduce, modify, adapt, public, display, distribute and exploit the submissions in any media now known or hereafter developed, without further compensation or notification.

Prohibited Use:

Participants shall not use, reproduce, modify, distribute or exploit the Organizer’s IP or any other intellectual property associated with the Programme without prior written consent from the Organizer. Any unauthorized use may result in legal action and other remedies available under applicable laws.

Protection of Intellectual Property:

The Organizer will take reasonable measures to protect their Intellectual Property Rights. Participants are prohibited from engaging in any activity that may infringe upon or compromise the Organizer’s IP. Any suspected infringement or unauthorized use should be reported to the Organizer immediately.


Participants agree to indemnify and hold the Organizer harmless against any claims, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses arising from or related to the use of the Organizer’s IP or any intellectual property infringement caused by their actions or submissions.


The participants hereby declare that they voluntarily participate in the Programme, and have read, and understand and agree to the terms and conditions of this Programme, and hereby declare as follows:

  1. The participants shall be responsible for all risks that may be brought by this Programme (if any). The participants agree that the Organizer shall not be responsible for any effect on their health because of the participation in this Programme (including but not limited to injury and/or death).
  2. The participants declare that their health is good and suitable for participating in this challenge. The participants do not have any health problems (such as infectious diseases, heart diseases, liver problems, etc.) or other reasons (e.g. pregnancy) that make me unfit to participate in this Programme, and to achieve the goals through the various physical activities that will be present in the Programme.
  3. The participants understand and agree to all the requirements and terms and conditions before joining this Programme.
  4. The participants understand and will not undertake any improper means to achieve the goals during the Programme.

Law and Severability:

This notice is governed by the laws of Hong Kong and the application of each part of this notice is limited to the extent permitted by the law. If any part of this notice is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, only the part that is prohibited or unenforceable is declared invalid in that jurisdiction, but does not invalidate the rest of this notice or that part of it is in other jurisdictions. The legality or enforceability of the district will not be affected.


Final Decision:

The Organizer reserves the right to change or modify this Terms and Conditions document from time to time. In case of any dispute, the Organizer will reserve the right of the final decision.