香港貿發局創業日2022 - 作為新創企業分享嘉賓

HKTDC Entrepreneurship Day 2022 - Sharing as a guest speaker for new startups

Thanks to the Hong Kong Trade Development Council for the invitation, I am honored to be a guest speaker for new startups. Future Salad has been using multiple publicity and promotion strategies to share its new salad #ReimagineSalad effectively and interestingly.

Event DescriptionEvent introduction

Good products also need a good #branding strategy. Listen to expert Alvin Lam of 18Hall / T12M Ventures and #StartupExpress winner Angus Hiu Fung Au of FUTURE SALAD for latest and most effective marketing strategy for your company.

Good products also require good branding strategies. Let’s listen to Alvin Lam from 18Hall / T12M Ventures and Angus Au from HKTDC Startup Express’ winning start-up Future Salad to get the latest and most effective marketing strategies for your company.

Entrepreneur Day 2022

HKTDC Entrepreneur Day