[Understand the 7 forms of poop in one picture]
The Bristol Stool Scale divides poop into seven categories:
Category 1️⃣: dry and hard, spherical (difficult to pass through the intestines)
Category 2️⃣: Sausage type, uneven surface
If you find the above situation, it is a problem of constipation, which means that your intestinal peristalsis function is weak and there is not enough water, which will make the stool dry and hard. It is necessary to absorb more abundant dietary fiber and add enough water to stimulate intestinal peristalsis and facilitate the discharge of feces.
Category 3️⃣: sausage-shaped but with cracks Category 4️⃣: long strip, smooth surface
These two types of poop are normal and need to be maintained well.
Category 5️⃣: soft, broken pieces (easy to pass through the intestines)
Category 6️⃣: Pasty, loose Category 7️⃣: Watery (completely liquid)
If your stool is too thin and watery, it is because there are too many bad bacteria in the intestines and too many toxins accumulate, which will cause diarrhea. You need to detoxify the intestines regularly and supplement with probiotics to reduce the presence of harmful bacteria and keep the intestines clean.