TimeOut: The world’s first drinkable salad loved by celebrities and influencers

TimeOut: The world’s first drinkable salad loved by celebrities and influencers

The future is here. It really is, at least in the world of nutrition. Putting together state-of-the-art technology and developing nutrition, Hong Kong food and tech start-up Allklear Health Limited has invented the world’s very first drinkable liquid salad. So, if eating several servings of greens a day doesn’t coincide with your current lifestyle, a pack of Allklear’s Future Salad gives you all the vitamins and nutrients you’ll need in a day, all in a few sips.


Taking out the ‘grassy’ taste and texture of raw vegetables; the time and effort it requires to clean, prepare and cook; and the easily perishable element of fresh produce; Future Salad might very well be the ultimate veggie option for the modern urbanite. 



Click here for full article! https://www.timeout.com/hong-kong/shopping/the-worlds-first-drinkable-salad-loved-by-celebrities-and-influencers