香港 2021年12月18日 - Future Salad 與 CircleDNA 為您送上健康祝福。受疫症影響,大家都更關注健康。基於兩個品牌均以推廣健康生活為己任,特意於2022年來臨前推出重量級聯乘系列,為您與摯愛送上健康祝福。
這次合作連繫兩個志同道合嘅品牌:Future Salad 自創辦以來深信健康是所有重要事物的基礎,一直積極推廣健康生活;CircleDNA 亦致力展現如何透過改善生活模式來掌控自己的健康狀況。憑著共同信念,兩個品牌攜手呈獻聯乘限量禮盒。
「我們非常高興能與 CircleDNA 這個如此成功的知名本地品牌合作!兩個品牌的產品都是希望運用科技改善生活品質,令大家更健康。」Allklear全清首席市場官歐曉峰先生說。「所以這次一拍即合,為大家帶來更健康的祝福。」
聯乘限量禮盒包含 Future Salad 新沙律體驗裝、Future Dollar 禮品卡及 CircleDNA 基因測試 (可按需要選擇健營或全面測試),讓您更了解自己需要,活出健康快樂人生。
🛒Circle K11 Musea
🛒Circle Hysan Place
🛒Circle Shatin New Town Plaza
🛒Allklear eShop
活動精華影片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRfgq74jEQE
HONG KONG, 18th Dec 2021 Future Salad and CircleDNA collaborated to bring you our latest collaboration. The global pandemic caused by Covid-19 has greatly increased health awareness amongst people. Founded upon our shared ethos, hoping to promote health and better lifestyle choices. We are pleased to announce this exclusive collaboration with CircleDNA.
This collaboration brings together two brands that focus on health. By adhering to the spirit of "Promote Health, live a Green life'' at the beginning of its establishment, Future Salad combines nature and innovative technology to produce future health foods. CircleDNA shows people how to proactively manage their health by making better lifestyle choices. With our shared ethos, we bringing you our Exclusive Limited-edition gift set.
“We are pleased to launch this collaboration with CircleDNA, a well-known and successful brand here in Hong Kong. Both of our brands use technology to better humanity.” Said Allklear Chief Marketing Officer Angus Au. “Therefore this collaboration hit right off, hoping to bless everyone’s health.”
The gift set contains a Future Salad Trial pack, a Future Dollar gift card and a CircleDNA’s Test Kit (Choose Vital or Premium DNA Test Kit according to your needs). Helping you to get to know YOU and live a healthier life.
Avaliable at Allklear eShop
🛒Circle K11 Musea
🛒Circle Hysan Place
🛒Circle Shatin New Town Plaza
Event Highlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRfgq74jEQE
#FutureSaladXCircleDNA #DrinkableWellness #ShakeandGo #ShakeandGreen #YumSalad #CircleDNAChangeMaker #GiftOfHealth #CircleDNA